Virtual Training

Why wait for a trainer to come to you when you can instantly become the trainer your dog needs?

Access world-class training from anywhere in the world

We’re here to help with your pet’s behavior problems – whatever they are and wherever they’re happening. By working remotely, we can see what you’re dealing with in real time and give you instant feedback, without our presence interfering with your progress. It’s all you, but better: it’s you, plus us.

It doesn’t matter if your dog will listen to your trainer. What matters is that your dog listens to you!

Benefits of Virtual Training

  • Training in a calm and safe home environment can teach essential skills before exposing the dog to triggering situations, resulting in efficient and cost-effective training.
  • Muzzle conditioning, if required, can be effectively addressed and completed virtually before taking the dog into public spaces, potentially saving time in training.
  • Virtual training is often more affordable and offers flexible scheduling, eliminating weather-related cancellations.
  • It helps prevent the “trainer effect” where dogs only perform well in the trainer’s presence, fostering a stronger partnership between you and your dog.
  • Immediate intervention with virtual training can prevent undesirable behaviors from becoming deeply ingrained by offering immediate techniques and solutions.
  • Virtual training empowers you to actively participate in the training process, equipping you with the skills needed to handle your dog independently.
  • It allows trainers to implement a customized training plan without introducing the stress of a new person into the dog’s environment.

Virtual Training includes:

Head Start Appointment: 90 minutes; $250-$400
  • A review of your pet’s history, implementation of management strategies, and development of a training plan
  • Instruction and guidance for putting your training plan into practice
  • Comprehensive follow-up notes and recommendations
Follow-up Appointments: 60 minutes; $225-$300
  • Review progress & refine your plan as needed
  • Build on learned skills and train new behaviors
  • Receive comprehensive follow-up notes and recommendations